Is Marketing bad ?

anoop vashistha
7 min readMay 23, 2021


Have you heard about Marketing, I am sure mostly you would have been.

Whenever I see a sales man and that reminds me, yes this guy knows about marketing and he will try to sell me something even the quality is not that good.

This bring me to all the bad experiences of all the street salesman to a salesman who sold me something in train or bus while travelling and then this gives me feeling that marketing is bad and that built an bad image about marketing.

Finally many of us have bad image about marketing and then we never take interest into that. What if I tell you that marketing is not bad, also it can help you to grow whatever job or business you are doing ?

Hold on even this can help you in your daily life and then you feel astonished , how foolish I am talking so here let me give you some insights about Marketing which will break many myths around what you already know and specially in bad way.

This article is for anyone who want to understand the marketing in detail , who want to break the myths about marketing and then who want to understand the strategy to build a successful marketing plan and grow in business and job.

I will publish different articles on marketing in upcoming days but today what I am going to explain what recently I learned about marketing, so let’s build something on the fundaments to next level and then keep it further.

Today we will go in the following topics in detail to understand marketing -

Fundaments of Marketing:

Whenever we build some product or services our aim is to sell the product to the customer and biggest challenge is how to reach to customer so we can sell it and then make the profit from the sales.

When you go deep about selling the product you will find it all start from the marketing , if you able to market your product well you will get customer onboarded, you will make more profit and your business will make more profits.

When we say marketing its about sending the right message to the right person at right time so we can reach to the more customers and that will bring to more sales and outreach to more customers and hence the purpose of marketing is achieved.

Marketing is not sales but reaching to the customer with right message and this requires lot of strategy, efforts , good communication, building trust and relationships with the customer.

Our end goal to have the marketing it to end the marketing for future again for the same product and we build the trust with customer. when we build the trust we make our brands and once you build brands you don’t require further marketing but customers join your services and product with brands.

We see lot of brands around us where we believe it and buy the products, for example Apple is big brand where you buy any product from then and you trust that they are high quality products and similar to this you see lots of bran around us in each field.

When you go in good restaurant you brand them and recommend your friends and this all start with good food so while marketing we still need to understand the core purpose of marketing is your product and services and not to compromise with the quality of product.

Once we have good product then we have many ways to market this and reach out to customer for example- copy writing, email marketing, social media marketing etc.

Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing:

Marketing is very important for anyone who want to be successful in life whether they go into job or business.

Marketing existed since human evolved and started their business and it will be required even after 1000 years as this belongs to human physiology.

Marketing is most valuable investment in any business to grow because this gives direct investment on return and its not a liability on a business.

In older era marketing was being done using banners, billboards, newspaper, radio, television and many other media but today the world has evolved and there are many other ways to reach on the customer

Also dont think marketing is the recipe for success until you dont have great product but this helps to reach your goals once you have very high quality and good product or services.

Now even it became easier to reach to the customer in many other ways in todays world when internet started booming and now in india alone we have so much consumers online always available and have access to internet.

To reach these customer digitally we have different options and that includes email marketing , social media marketing, direct response marketing, phone calls, whatsapp, instagram, facebook and many other ways to reach to the customer and build that trust before selling the product.

CATT Marketing Funnel Framework:

To create results from digital marketing we have different options but still people are not able to get good results.

when you want to build good marketing model and want to make profits in business this model helps where you first find your Niche and then create lot of good content into that particular niche, you can build content in multiple ways may be videos, blog posts, webinars etc.

Once you have all of this you will require attention because driving attention brings to lot of traffic and using social media , SEO and paid ads.

With good content you will build trust and then you will be able to sell the product and services again and again to the customer.

Integrated Digital Marketing Model:

When we try to market with one of the methods those individual technique and strategy will not give hat profound results.

To have bigger impact and have great success in business you need to adopt a framework where you try to include all of these tools and provide the customer a complete solution and show your self to customer with multiple ways which builds good trust and he then choose to buy your product and services.

The first step to build this integrated digital marketing model we need to first create great content and then using different methods like Email marketing, paid advertising , SEO and social media you will be able to sell more and convert sell it more.

Personal Branding :Mass trust blueprint:

Personal branding is the most powerful tool in marketing or any business.

People trust on the people and then they buy the things , people just dont buy the product and brand but they trust on certain people and then start buying it.

You always see before buying something important we always take suggestions from our friends, family members, online some reviews, ratings and then decide which one to buy and you see this all because of brand.

We see lot of brands around us which are personal brand and they become so huge and people trust them and then their business became great.

There are many cons as well in personal branding but there are huge advantage and it builds trust and authority in the market.

You see examples like Bill gates, Steve jobs, Ramdev baba of Patanjali and people believe them than their product and that make them successful in their product and brands and marketing.

When you build your personal brand make sure you learn the domain or subject where you are going to authority in market. Build your knowledge around the subject , read lot of book, participate in community.

Enrich your knowledge and provide good services to the community , build a good product support and have authority in the market. people will ask for your consultation and become mentor who want to learn and then build the startup in your niche and this cycle brings mass trust blueprint.

Let me write few more topics on marketing and update you further to build your knowledge. we have many more important topics in coming up session to complete the details about marketing.

  • we need to understand and build our financial goals and then reach on that using your product pricing strategy
  • you need to work on communication skills to have mastery on marketing
  • We need to select the niche where we are passionate about and make profits from that
  • we also need to understand world economy and indian economy and how consumer behaves and what factors affect world market and economy and how it impacts customers.Indian economics, world economy , consumer behaviour, macro and micro economics and factors.
  • detailed overview on personal experience in marketing / sales / branding

Note: this article is part the Digital Deepak internship program article,

Thanks for reading this and keep you posted further for my upcoming articles so stay tuned and subscribe for further updates. Thanks.

